Creating and Managing Form Fills

How to Create and Manage Form Fills for Field Users

Creating a Form

1. From the top nav menu click on More, and then select 'Forms'.

2. Saved forms will appear in Table View.

3. To add a new form, click on .

4. Each form fill is determined by a key which are broken down into the following:

* NOTE, Key must match the name with an underscore if there is more than one word) eg. Name is Cost Estimate (Number) and key should be cost_estimate

a. Text (single line or multi line text description)

b. Number (hours, money, etc.)

c. Checkbox (True/False)

d. Date

e. User Picker (Company User Selection)

f. Options Group (Multiple questions)

e. Entity Picker (Asset, Site, Battery, etc.)

f. Sketch (Signature)

g. Attachment (PDF or photo)

5. One finished click on the green button.

Managing a Form

1. Once the form appears in table view, you can click on it to get to the specific form page.

2. Here you can navigate to entries, and request a user to fill the form.

8. Select your targeted user, and click on the green button.

9. The selected user will be notified of the form fill request on their WellTender app.